Thursday, July 30, 2009
My first few weeks have been rewarding, confusing, frustrating and oh so gratifying.
I am writing for Associated Content. I have, to date, published 14 articles. I was also informed yesterday (Wednesday, July 29, 2009), that I was accepted to write for I don't have that information as of now, or I would proudly pass it along.
I feel things are going well. I am learning new things such as SEO (search engine optimization). Also, correcting grammar and punctuation that sometimes, spell checkers do not find.
I am on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. Utilizing the social networks has, thus far been a great way of communication. I am able to let my followers know when something is published.
I am still navigating the wide world what is the Internet, I'm learning from others before me and having a lot of fun.
I don't think many people understand that being a writer is within their grasp. This is within my grasp, I must utilize my tools, and friendly resources and I know I will succeed!


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